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JOIN US………BECOME A FRIEND ……………… and help us to grow!

Northlight is a not-for-profit cooperative keeping fees as low as possible, which makes it very difficult to fund new facilities, services and student support. 

That’s where ‘Friends’ like you come in – pledging a small but regular helping hand. 

Our Friends Scheme really contributed to the survival of the Art School through lockdown and when we opened with much smaller classes and corresponding reduced income, and made us more resilient.

The Friends Scheme was central to the establishment of the new Artspace studio and coffee lounge. We were able recently to add much needed audio visual equipment to improve our artist talks, exhibitions and teaching facilities.

Some students will always need a little extra help from a support worker due to their disability. We believe in an inclusive approach and integrating those with special needs within our general course offer with the aid of dedicated support. ‘Friends’ make it possible, to pay for this help and so many other improvements.

In a climate where grant aid is gradually disappearing self-reliance becomes the key to sustainability and ‘Friends’ have a vital role to play


 A small monthly donation means we can budget and rely on your contribution.  As a guide we may suggest £5.00 per month but any amount will be a great help, a little from a lot of friends.

We will keep you up to date with developments and welcome any input and help you are able to offer.

Please contact us for details on setting up a standing order. 


The integrated approach - special needs support at Northlight Art School